Available Programs

Defensible Space
Helps create defensible space around the primary home for seniors, veterans or those with low income on the western slope of El Dorado County.

You can now request TWO free chipping sessions per year, of up to 6 hours each, at your home. You can either have the chips hauled off, or ask to have them left on site.

Tree Removal
Provides hazard tree removal for individual homeowners on the West Slope of El Dorado County who wish to improve the safety of their property and community.

Fire Hydrant Locator
EID has an interactive online map that shows all the hydrants for their area
if you are on the Divide, use GPUD’s similar map.

New Emergency Alert
Emergency Services has changed from CodeRED to CalOES for Emergency Alerts. Your information will migrate over to the new system, but we encourage new registration to verify.

Are You Ready?
Becoming ready for wildfire starts with maintaining defensible space around your property, hardening your home, and planning to evacuate in case of an emergency.

Defensible Space
Adequate defensible space acts as a barrier to slow or halt the progress of fire that would otherwise engulf your property and helps ensure the safety of firefighters defending your home.
About Placerville Fire Safe Council
Empowering Placerville residents and businesses with the information, knowledge, and support to protect their family and property from wildfire.
The vision of the Placerville Fire Safe Council is to foster a fire wise community developed through ongoing public education, cooperation, innovation and action.